Already early again…so recap has wait until later…busted out 15th of 77 players when my 55 lost to AJ (both A and J on the flop)…
Edit: Alrighty, here it goes. Played a little bit more aggressive early on, I think as a side-effect of DADI IV Shorthanded, which was really a good thing. I was able to build my stack above average early on and hovered around average as we headed into the 1st break. Right after the first break, first hand: I look down at TT in late position, EP raised to 4xBB…I smooth-call, maybe an error, but I thought I faced and weak/medium/strong ace so let’s see a flop…flop comes down all low cards 3-8-9…EP leads out for 300…now I think my 10-10 is still good here, so I call again…turn is another blank…EP bets again…I call again…river is a J…EP bets again…I call again…to my surprise I misplaced my opponent who shows 3-3 (flopped set)…yikes…down to under 1k. So much for my hovering around average. After that I bounced around the tables like a rubber ball as I was moved time and time again…just as I was facing elimination (around 300 in chips) I quadrupled up with my AQ (vs A9 vs KK) when I spiked a Queen on the river. Nothing newsworthy after that…until my final hand came down: I’m desperate again with around 1k chips and the blinds and antes eating me alive, I find presto! (5-5) and decide to push…this time my opponent really shows an Ace…AJ to be precise…and guess what hit the flop…see for yourself:
So I’m out in 15th, another good showing IMO with just 6 from the money…hopefully I can get down to the final 9 again sometime soonish…
Side note: As Wil missed the tourney altogether I’m curious what the name of the next invitational will be…
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