The return of the DS monster – W$ anyone?
Wednesday September 03rd 2008, 5:36 am
Filed under: Double Shootout,MTT,No-Limit Hold'em,PokerStars,Tournaments

I’m really exhausted after some of the best poker in my life…so just a quick pic dump…W$ anyone? I’ve never sold those before (I sold T$ before on pokernews)…Edit: I did the trade using this time, they offered the best rate at 92% and the transaction was painless…fill in form…request trade via pokerstars…wait…two minutes later…boom….done…. 😀

Double Shootout

Double Shootout

Double Shootout

Double Shootout

Double Shootout

Double Shootout

Double Shootout

Double Shootout

Double Shootout

Double Shootout

Double Shootout

Double Shootout

Double Shootout

Double Shootout

Double Shootout

Double Shootout

Double Shootout

Double Shootout

Double Shootout

Double Shootout

Double Shootout

Double Shootout

I’m outta here tired but smiling… :mrgreen:

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