Tilt spew
Today was one of those days. The last few days I’ve been playing a little and I was careful to “stick to the game plan” and it worked, doubling my roll.
Today, it was a whole different story. I took some nasty beats and after the first few I really started to tilt. The cardinal error here, was that I couldn’t and didn’t stop playing immediately. Instead of that, I sat there and tilted off some more…and when the final bad beat came (AA vs QQ allin preflop…of course river queen), I just couldn’t take it any longer and tilted of the rest of my roll.
So once more, I’m busto…and feel sick sick sick sick sick about it. I just don’t get it, beats are part of the game, but sometimes it’s just too much to take. Oh well…I’m outta here to cool off a little, it’s a bank holiday today and beautiful weather..I guess I should have stayed outside instead of playing this stupid game…but too late for that..enjoy the pic dump – I’ll spare you all the runner runner goodness and stuff..instead of that I’ll just post the last beat and the graph for today…I should have stopped at hand 300…lol…cya…

So and so…
Didn’t have much time to play recently, still got a few hundred hands of rush errm zoom in over the last few weeks. Mixed results, so and so, still enjoying it, but I really need to stay focused and not get carried away by the small stakes (.02/.05) and the quick pace…it’s quite easy to get carried away with the high pace and the really small stakes and the biggest pitfall is playing big pairs over-aggressively. Just after you’ve shoved 5$ on an all under flop, you realized – wait a minute, that’s 100BB *lol*…so I tend to not do that and instead I try to wait for my opponent(s) to do just that…
Enjoy the pic dump of roughly the last 4 weeks (didn’t take all that many screengrabs, just too busy multi-tabling the zoom tables), I’m out of here…

FTP got the best of me again
…and what is that? Yes, my money. I can’t believe how easily fooled I am. They come knocking with a 100$ bonus and I fall into the trap. I reload and before I get to 20% of the bonus I’m busto for roughly 1.5 times the whole bonus.
That’s how you do promos folks, reel in the sucker with a promise of “free” money, then skin him alive and laugh at him. Well played folks.
I’m pretty much fed up with all the bs, so I won’t even bother to complain about the “sick” hand here, and “sicker” hand there…I’ll just do one final pic dump and I’m off…never to touch ftp again…the following pics depict my play on ftp from march 6th to march 14th…
1. Oooh, Aces vs Queens and they actually hold up…too bad shorty got it in, winning me a grand total of under 2 bucks…

2. Ace King? Nooo goot, obv 67s00ted is the nuts…standard 3.5bet before the flop, shove on the flop…insta-called…

3. I won a flip? Rigged…exactly! That’s why I lose the next 100 in a row…

4. I fold Kings preflop after a 3bet and 4bet reshove…of course the fonkeys have an ace each…two outs would have been good nontheless…good fold me…

5. Three jacks no g00t…how I managed to lose the minimum is still a mystery…

6. 4:1 favourite? In FTP math that’s like 3% to win…

7. Dominated? You’re going to lose, period.

8. Flopping to set? Not enough against jackAce s000000000ted…obviously!

9. Who needs twenty outs? Noone, three are always enough against me…end of story…

10. If you still didn’t get the memo…I said three outs are enough…

11. Hello, keep up…three outs are still enough…don’t you listen?

12. 3 best is the nuts…I can live with losing with second best…

13. Flopping dem quads is a nice feeling…getting junk kicked afterwards and bubbling…not so much…

14. Best in worst out…always a kick…especially against two undercards…lol…

15. Playing the pros…two thirds and two junk-kicks…just the right ratio to go insane slowly…

16. First hand, always the right moment to run into the BB special…

17. Waw? You still didn’t get the 3out-memo? Wtf…try to keep up…!

18. which leads us to this beauty…

The end…
Still running g00t
Hehe…bored, so what do you do? Right, reload at FTP to hook yourself up to the Rush-Crack-Machine…who could pass a 100$ bonus offer? Hehe…
Dumped a few bucks making stupid moves, the biggest money drains were the usual hands though:
1. Pop it from the hijack with AsKs…get repopped, shove..instacall by Ah Kh…the rest is the usual

2. Call a raise in the BB with 77, shorty comes along in MP. Flop 8T6 all spades. Check, check, small bet. Call by me, shorty calls all-in short. Turn 9c. Straight baby. Check, small bet, min-raise, call. River 9s. Yikes. Check, ultra-small bet, donk call. Of course he rivered a boat.

3. Pop it from the hijack with AJs000000ted. Flat call from the button – hmm. Flop AJ6 all hearts though. Don’t care, bet pot, repop, shove, instacall by AcKc. Noice. Turn 6…river K…fuck me…

4. Pop it from UTG with QQ, small repop BB, call. Flop 688 bet, shove…ponder ponder…if you got me you got me – of course he got me, what was I thinking? lol

The new found ev tells me that I deserved to lose a little, but it also shows that I’ve been running nicely under ev…surprised? Not really. Anyway..not really pissed off, just tired and outta here…

The Rush is over…busto
Well, well, good job FTP…or should I say good job Ingoal? No matter what, after four days of playing rush on FTP (after reloading), I’m officially busto again. Rush – the quickest way to evaporate your bankroll! (TM)
Teeeheee mofos! I could go on about the cooler here and the cooler there, but what use is it? It’s tough to stay sane if you run into bs after bs…add to that, that it’s sometimes so hard not to overcommit when everyone is on crack and what are the chances someone has a higher pair than your JJ and QQ when it folds around to you – hint: not all that high…in rush it feels like 97,5%…
…and quicker than you can say “get the fuck out of here”, you’ve got one hell of a bad run that is unprecedented. All in all it took me 4.129 hands to go busto, should have been busto before that, but after getting aces cracked left and right I was able to crack ’em myself, just in time to give me a few extra hands…hehe…anyway…hawesome how I kept away from FTP exactly for that bs as I couldn’t catch a break, no I run back to the poker crack dealer and they got exactly what I need…getting kicked in the junk four times as much per hour….nice.
Some fun stats:
– Lost 0.05$ per hand
– #1 hand dealt 96o (54 times)
– Most money won (total): QQ 23.27 (dealt 25 times, won 22 times)
– Most money lost (total) AQ -39,63 (dealt 39 times, won 24 times)
– Only winning position: UTG (lol)
I’m feeling kind of numb right now…so I’ll let you enjoy the final rush pic dump and I’m outta here…not to return to FTP for at least the next 1.5 years…or maybe I should make it 3 as the first 1.5 years obviously didn’t do any good…

Soul crushers
Those were the players I was up against today, soul crushers. I started off with a quick session winning around 1.5 buyins. Then later today I came back for a longer session and they really crushed my soul.
The old overpair vs overpair I can take, but what’s a lot harder to take is being river over and over and over and over. How can ppl honestly call preflop, on the flop and on the turn with air and hit their fucking river like 80% of the time? Two outer? No problem. 4 outer – no problem. 3 outer – no problem. 6 outer – why do you even ask if a 2 outer is no problem, go ahead monkeyshove, the dealer will peel it off for you.
What adds fuel to the internal steam-producing fire is the fact that you can’t get any fucking action on your big hands, at least on most of them. How come I get aces 4 times, and get no action whatsoever on two of them? How come on the other hand everytime I get kings I get monsteraction and usually end up getting junkkicked so hard, I could scream from the pain? Wtf is going on here? Full Donk Poker? Hidden camera show? Wtf!
In the end it got so frustrating that I did something I rarely if ever do…I donkshoved my last stacks in when I just knew that my opponent had sucked out…again. Disappointing. Anyway, enough of the rant, I’m outta here. Utterly frutstrated, mad and tilted, which seems to be the norm these days. Happy fucking day to y’all…
Mood: Steam-tilt

Rush, rush, rushing
Only a short session today playing two rush tables at once. Took some beats (one of the nastiest was KK vs AA on a AKQ board…yikes…), put some beats on other ppl…all in all I’m really satisfied with my play today. Could be a normal up-swing, could be the adjustments I made, too early to tell after ~500 hands, we’ll see how it goes over the next few days/weeks…until then…enjoy the pic dump…I’m outta here…

Hello, I’m Ingoal, a cash game donk
Hehehe…just goes to show you how good natured I really am, I can still laugh after dropping 10Buyins. After 1,5 years of abstinence at Full Tilt, I decided to jump back in, because of the newest hype “Rush”. The concept has been widely discussed, so I’m assuming you know what I’m talking about.
I played around 5 hours of Rush so far and I’m really frustrated. I can’t get action on my big hands, if I do I got the second nuts running into the nuts, and I think I gave to much action on different occasions, when in reality it was totally unnecessary. Side effect of the constant action? Gambling mood? I think both are true to some extent and the fact that I’m usually a (turbo) SnG player doesn’t translate that well to cash…
Early lessons after analyzing the first 1.5k hands played:
1. It’s not worth defending the BB unless you’ve got a monster.
2. It’s not worth defending the SB either.
3. LP/Button – constantly raise, most ppl can’t be bothered to defend (see 1. and 2.) and if they do, they usually have a monster
4. Don’t be afraid to take a break every now and then – I usually only take a break after 2hours or something, but you gotta consider that I played around 300h per hour playing rush. That’s way above the usual hands/hour I play in any other game.
5. JackAce is the shiznuts. Got it 16 times, won 14 out of 16..lol…biggest winner ranked by Amount Won.
6. AQ and TT are the cash game devil…cost me a good 40 bucks running into AK, a small set or some random bs (Kx, etc)…
7. Don’t be afraid to pot, pot, pot it if you’ve got a monster…ppl are willing to fold for small bets just as they’re willing to call big if they’ve got a piece of it…and if they don’t they’ll fold anyway as the next hand is just 1s away….
I’m outta here…time to regroup and relax a little…no more poker today…