Thursday January 05th 2006, 2:30 am
Filed under: Casual Play,Omaha H/L,Pot Limit,UltimateBet

Today I tried something different: same level, but multitable, which is especially useful when you’re trying to clear your B$. In the first session I played on two tables of 0.01$/0.02$ at the same time and had no problem whatsoever, my focus was alright and the parallel action was minimal as I was getting junk hands on one table and okay to great cards at the other table. I was able to more than double my Buy-In in less than an hour. Nice, I think two tables is the way to go for now.

In my evening session I thought I’d give even more tables a shot – and so I did, although there were some problems:

  1. Ultimate Bet doesn’t allow playing at more than 3 tables at the same time, so I was able to just add one more table
  2. Although I’ve got a nice monitor (17″ TFT) it’s hard to play with > 2 tables as the monitor is a little too small for my needs – it’s alright with my resolution of 1280×1024, but I’m more comfortable if I can see the whole table. So maybe I should buy a bigger monitor (maybe a 24″ widescreen) once my bankroll has been built up a little bit more…

So, the session was stressfull as it’s always hard to play if you’re not really comfortable. Nontheless I was able to break even in the end, so nothing lost due to the experiment.

On another note: I’m close to doubling up my initial deposit at UltimateBet, groovy 🙂

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