Full Tilt Delight
Saturday February 11th 2006, 3:51 am
Filed under: Full Tilt Poker,MTT,No-Limit Hold'em,Tournaments

After busting out in 11th in the WWdN Euro Edition and busting out of two MTTs early on I was something like 20$ down at PokerStars and decided to call it a day at Stars. As it was fairly early though I decided to finally get some cash into FullTilt. Some minutes after I bought in a 1$+0$ fee MTT started and I thought what the heck, let’s give it a shot.

I was playing my usual hold’em fold’em game for the 1st hour and was fairly short-stacked. In the following two hours I was able to really get into the zone though…it was like I had a read on the guys and gals, especially when I smelled weakness. One critical hand came when I looked down at KK (for about the 6th time (including the WWdN where I held it 3 times)) and see what happened: w00t

They held up and I was in good shape. The following 1.5hours of play are a blur, but sure enough I wound up at the final table, w00t! w00t

After another break we were down to three and I busted out the last shorter stack to play heads up for the win. w00t

Then I became literally card dead, or at least so dead that I missed every flop. So I was a large dog soon and I couldn’t do much as I was down in chip 1:5…so I shoved it in and lost…but hey, I’m not sad at all. Invested 1$ and won 74.24$ more than doubling my buy-in (deposit of 50$) in the first MTT…what a way to end the day!

On another note: I declare February 10th the KK-day (hand counted 10times today, no bullets, but KK plenty)! Now it’s time to catch some sleep as I’ve got a nice live home game tomorrow…wish me luck…!

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