Monday March 06th 2006, 2:10 am
Filed under: Full Tilt Poker,No-Limit Hold'em,PokerStars,Tournaments
Filed under: Full Tilt Poker,No-Limit Hold'em,PokerStars,Tournaments
Due to the massive network outage of FullTiltPoker Waffles’ birthday bash has been moved and rescheduled. New venue is PokerStars, it starts in less than an hour (9pm ET) check the private tab…password is: wafflesrocks
Side note: So I bit the bullet and reloaded on PokerStars…and I’m in…16 20 22 26 players so far…should be fun…
Side note #2: Couldn’t think of a cool bounty, so I’m not putting one up for this one…sorry 🙁
Edit: Nothing much going my way…card dead…then I look down at 99…push…two callers (TraumaPoker 10h-10 and STeelerJosh K-10)…four heats on the board and IGHN…17th place of 26. So my PokerStars “hotstreak” continues…back to grinding it out I guess….nontheless a fun game…and HAPPY BIRTHDAY WAFFLES!
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