This would make baby jebus cry…
Monday March 27th 2006, 12:38 am
Filed under: Full Tilt Poker,Humor,MTT,Tournaments

I’m currently watching a little bit of the action of the 200k guaranteed over at FullTilt…two things that made me laugh out loud so far: 1. The thing that made me choose the title of this post: If anyone should know that min-raises make baby jebus cry, it should be Chris “Jesus” Ferguson, right?! 😉

Jesus min raises

2. Playing at another table was Howard “The Professor” Lederer and one guy talks to him like he’s one of his buddies: “Hey Howie, I respect you more than the other pros, as you’re answering our questions and all” — “Hey Howie”?! Wtf?! I guess the same dude would be pissing his pants and would be all “Errm Mr. Lederer…errm…can I PLEASE have your autograph…errm…maybe?!” if he met him in public…the internet and internet poker is such a great place sometimes 😀

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