Endless 180
Thursday May 04th 2006, 1:49 am
Filed under: No-Limit Hold'em,PokerStars,S&G

After 2h 51m I’m out in 13th place…once again sooo close to the final table that I could smell the money…I can’t blame myself…I won’t fold AK to a half my stack sized all-in from LP…he flips over 88…and sure enough it holds up…two hands later I look down at a suited Ace (A8c)…not a major hand…but as it’s folded around to me I decide to give it a go…BB finds his BB special AK…nice…IGHN…

ITM is nice and all, but after playing good poker for nearly 3hours it’s hard to go home with nothing more than measly 4$ profit…damn! I lost three hands in the whole damn thing, AKs vs 33, AKo vs 88 and A8 vs AK, can’t do anything about the last one…but is it really to much to ask for that your opponent holding horse crap pairs doesn’t flop a set all the time? Ah whatever…it’s poker…so I’ll stop whining now…good night…

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