Hehe…that’s the question I’m asking myself after playing the PokerStars Rebuy Madness (TM) (lol) tourney…man is this some crazy stuff or what? Nearly 3.5k players playing with their starting chips + 9066 rebuys + 2135 add-ons…and you’ve got a 20k guaranteed with a price-pool of 44.025$, unreal.
Played for well over an hour before busting out AA vs JJ…yes, I had AA – for the first time in over 600 hands I might add and sure enough they get cracked by a 4:1 dog…only thing that is weird is that I could see it coming…I three-bet it preflop and he goes into the tank…after a long pause he pushes…I insta-call and see his JJ…before the flop is dealt I can literally see the Jack falling…and it promptly does…the only consolation is that if there’s such a thing like karmic payback that was the proof…I had cracked this guys Kings earlier on with KQ s000ted…oh well…I had my fun and with the top 30 all well over 30k the possibility to really go deep were limited anyway…I’m out of here…
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