Well, what can I say, I’m currently in a good place when it comes to poker. Why? Because I’m sticking to skinning the low-limit PLO8 donkeys and it’s working out pretty nicely. Always nice to see someone think his overpair no low draw is good…yeah right, that’s why I’m repopping you like crazy son. *lol*
So, what’s the difference between the normal NL Hold’em donk and the normal PLO8 donk? Well, first of all most of the PLO8-donks are Hold’em players (or really bad PLO8 players). Secondly, even if they grasp the concept of PLO8 they’re usually so impatient and all too curious. That being said: I try to play small-ball preflop and once I hit gin (or a monster-draw) I control the pot so that I can cripple the fish once the board is layed out. It usually works nicely and even if it doesn’t, I’m really calm about it…after all you can’t win ’em all…
On that note…to show you the difference between my (low limit HU) NL HE mindset and my (low limit HU) PLO8 mindset: if someone hits a 6-8 outer against me in NL HE, I’m mad…if someone hits a 1 outer on me in PLO8…I laugh and play on…(just happened tonight…I had him drawing to one out and the case 4 comes out on the river to give him quads…I laughed and rebuild my stack before busting him)…
I think I found my spot for now…tonight’s stats: 13 matches, 9Ws…alrighty 🙂
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