Same ol’ same ol’ and bad news
Thursday September 13th 2007, 2:20 am
Filed under: Heads Up,No-Limit Hold'em,Omaha,Omaha H/L,PokerStars,Pot Limit,S&G

Just a little session tonight again…PLO8…won 5 out of 7…NL Hold’em 1 of 2…PLO 0 of 1…so overall a good session…favourite hand of the night…runner runner quads against me…loved the turn…hated the river…

runner runner quads good

…off to the bad news: I forgot that we have our first booth party of the season (my footie/soccer team parties like there is no tomorrow in the dressing rooms of our club house)…so I guess I will be hammered by the time the Rebuy Donkfest (TM) is about to start, so I might not be able to go for the three-peat after all….pause for celebration of my esteemed opponents 😉 ….oh well…maybe I’ll make it back in time to play it in drunken donkpush-tastic mode…we’ll see…

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