As I don’t feel like playing long sessions these days, I only played to quick ones yesterday and today. Four nine handed turbo SnGs each. Finished first twice yesterday, one third and one first today. Two winning session, although small, in a row. Not bad considering the way I was approaching the game recently…and they way I ran…the way I played due to that…etc…
On the Poker Wear front I was pleased to see the mailman drop off a packet by PokerStars this morning. Finally, after a two month wait he delivered my PokerStars Sports Jacket…wheeee….
On the spam front I’m finally fed up with all the donkbags spamming me like crazy with ridonkulous trackback-spam…so I had to add two more measures to my already overkill antispam-arsenal. From now on track- and pingbacks are disallowed on all posts and comments are closed on posts older than 30 days. I hope that finally cuts out the crap as I’m fed up looking at the spam count (see footer) and seeing the number of blocked spams reaching ridonkulous heights (100+k are you kidding me?)…
Alrighty…I’m outta here…enjoy the random pic dump…and gl at the tables…
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