Of course…
- …there’s no way to beat the game with such a huge short-term downswing.
- …there’s no way to ride out a cold-streak if ever god damn micro sng represents 10% of your roll.
- …it’s normal that you can lose every coin-flip short-term.
- …it’s normal that your opponent calls all-in with one card to come with any draw (ranging from 2 to 8 outs).
- …it’s normal that they hit each and everyone of these draws on the river.
That being said, of course I’m never ever ever coming back to “Full-Tilt-rape-my-asshole-all-day-every-day”-Poker unless one of two things happen:
- I get a start-roll that is big enough that a donkey-SnG represents less than 5% of my roll at any given time.
- A miracle happens.
Until then it’s bye bye and never see you again….FullTilt fuckers…and this time I mean it, mark my words!
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