Filed under: Casual Play,Heads Up,No-Limit Hold'em,Opinionated,PokerStars,S&G
Had some fun on PokerStars over the weekend, nothing major going on…some headsup matches, some double or nothing turbo SnGs…did well for the most part. Apart from that we had another home game on saturday – yesterday. It was pretty entertaining, twelve donks saddled up and we were off an running. I didn’t take extensive notes, but there were some nice hands going around all evening. One player flopped a set of kings twice, another flopped quads twice, I flopped a set of aces once and got payed off. To make a long story short after a looong time of play we were down to the bubble…it burst and we were in the money (3 handed). I took out the only remaining female player who had been torturing me all night with some nice runner runner action, etc…and we were headsup (we pay out 50% / 30% / 20%), so at least second place money was set, which equals quadrupling your buyin.
Headsup was pretty quick, three hands and it was all over…I lost. Rewind. First hand, my opponent goes all-in on the button. I fold. Next hand, I go all-in, he folds. Third hand I’m on the button and my opponent announces all-in preflop, well, it’s my turn…hmm…but I wanted to push anyway with my QJ s00ted. So alright. He shows down 89 s00ted. Board comes 8TJQ8 and I’m busto…oh well…it was fun…alrighty…I’m outta here to watch some premier league III action…enjoy the pic dump and gl at the tables…
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