…that about sums it up. The last few days, my first vacation in ages, have been bleak poker-wise. Every time it looks like I can make a run at it…well…there’s the donkkick or whatnot. Really frustrating, even more so as I’m now on an ultra-short bankroll, so I’m really handcuffed…decision-time coming up soonish. Start another run with a refueled bankroll (I drained it a while back to buy some nice stuff like the 24″ screen and what-not and I couldn’t sustain much momentum after that…get your tinfoil-hats ready :p )…or continue to grind it out at the lowest limits…I don’t know yet what I’m going to do…either way, watch this spot and you’ll hear about it soon enough…
Until then I’m trying to get planning in motion for my first ever Vegas trip…we’ve been talking about it in my home game for ages, and I think it’s time that we either do it or we don’t (and I hit the road on my own)…let’s see if it’s going to happen…I’ll keep you posted…until then enjoy the random pic dump…I’m outta here…
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