Slighty up, playing good…mostly
Saturday January 16th 2010, 3:25 am
Filed under: Double Shootout,Heads Up,No-Limit Hold'em,PokerStars,Shorthanded,Tournaments

Got around to play a little today, 8 SnGs and one double shootout, a grand total of 297 hands (lol). Was headsup on the first table in the shootout, but just couldn’t overcome the good run of my opponent. He busted all other players before we were headsup and despite being at a major chip deficit I stuck to my plan and got to almost even. Then I couldn’t improve on an TP vs TP situation in which I was outkicked.

The 6 handed SnGs were about breakeven (1W in four tries, net -2.6$), what saved me were the 11$ heads up matches only played 4 won 3 of them including a 4-player-match…so that put me up to 27.95$ up for the session…that doesn’t matter much to me though, what matters is that I played good and made solid decisions, feels good when you call a big river bet with 68o for third pair and you’re right…

Alrighty…I’m dead-ass tired…so I’ll leave you with the usual pic dump and new pt graph…good luck and may the felt be with you…

random pic dump

random pic dump

random pic dump

random pic dump

random pic dump

random pic dump

random pic dump

random pic dump

random pic dump

random pic dump

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