Cash game fish…
…are even worse than SnG fish, if you lose to them, you usually lose more than you normally would in a SnG. Well, I played a little .5/1 Razz tonight and it was brutal. People were trying so hard to give away their money (capping it on 5th street two cards behind (double paired)) and catching every god friggin time while I bricked up. So sick. After I dropped my buyin, I was so mad that I really thought hard about quitting for the night.
In the end, I didn’t. I fired up some SnGs (ranging anywhere from 5 to 20$) in both NL and PLO and I did pretty good (won 4 out of 5), although some of the fish got so lucky that I was almost incomprehensible (AQ vs A3…board 3xAx3, etc etc). I didn’t let it get to me though and crushed all but one of them in the long run. So…after three hours of poker I finish the session down 0.05$, lol, not all that bad after dropping almost 30$ in Razz and SnG-juice…
Dodging cow turds
We all know that Phil Hellmuth can dodge bullets, well, I can’t do that, but at least I can dodge some cow turds…lol…
Tonight was kind of a brutal session, not money-wise, but result-wise. I started off by dusting off the old cash game skills hitting some NL tables. Dropped some dough, about 1/5th of a buyin, so all good.
Then I switched to the usual SnG donkarama and it got ugly quickly. At least I was able to pull out two Ws in HU NL HE and HU Razz to kind of save the session. What went wrong in the early SnGs and in the cash game? Well, cow turds coming my way over and over and I managed to dodge 3/5 of them.
Three times it was boat over boat by the river (managed to only lose the minimum once, busto the other two times…lovely to see a case card roll off on the river twice…83 vs A3…board 8xA33…beautiful…the other was even sicker…33 vs 45 (don’t ask) board 345×4…sickedy sick) and two times it was two pair vs two pair…both times I flop middle and bottom pair…my opponents flop top two…still a mistery how I managed to lose only the minimum in both instances….hooray me…
I’m outta here….
Still running good…
…wait, not really. *lol*
Post about last weekends live play still pending, it should be an interesting post, but I didn’t get around to writing it as I was too annoyed over the weekend and didn’t have much time so far this week, but it is coming…
Tonight I just played a few matches and all was good in razz, but once I opened the first NL HE headsup SnG the usual went down…money in on the turn…opponent has got the whole 5 (+3) outs and river is…oh well…

I’m out…
The story of the sickness
*lol* it’s once again well past 5am…so just a quick wrapup…perfect record on Stars today, 2/2…then it was time for the rebuy madness and things started of shitty, then everything went well…until shit hit the fan again….TT vs AQ to lose half my stack…then the good old KK vs AJ s00ted….oh well…the usual….two plus hours of poker fun and the inevitable junk kick…so sick…oh well…I guess KK is going to be my official bustout hand for the donkament from now on…
Random pic dump:

Word of the week
Presented by (pot)limit games united, the word of the week:
Ridonkulous – to start out with a clearly inferior starting hand, preferrably board-locked when playing any form of stud, and hitting perfect cards to pull out an unlikely win.
That’s what happened for the most part today, people so eager to chase as if there was no tomorrow. Oh well…didn’t bug me too much though as I knew I would eventually catch them…and that’s exactly what happened in 3 out of five matches. Too bad donks, luck can only get you soooo far.
Headsup stats of the day:
NL: 0/1
PLO8: 1/2
PLO: 1/1
Razz 1/1
Back to the roots
Decided to stick to my plan today and play only a little at FullTilt. As Hold’em, especially headsup, is treating me so bad these days, I decided to start out with some “old school” stuff, PLO8. That is one of my favourite games and after reading about it in FullTilt’s Strategy Guide again, I felt the urge to play a little. Headsup PLO8 can be brutal, but on the other hand really rewarding, especially if your opponent doesn’t understand the basic concepts (e.g. lock on low with counterfeit protection and a high draw….bet the living jeebus out of the pot; don’t chase, unless you got a lot of outs to make THE NUTS; etc). Won two out of two. Then I jumped over to a little razz and really enjoyed it, until the blinds got huge. Lovely if you start with three to a wheel, got four to the wheel by fourth street and brick up on fifth, sixth and seventh street. Lovely! Oh well…
After that one I jumped over to some NL Hold’em action and it was the usual stuff. Won two, lost two. Can’t get a winning streak going these days, but hey, maybe that’ll change soon again…
As for the WSOP ME: Nice to see such a humble guy win, at least that’s how he came across in the PokerNews interview…I’m really looking forward to see the coverage…so far the preliminary event coverage was good, HD, I like! Can’t wait to see the HORSE championship, too…I’m out….
Heeehaaaw…please call me down with third pair
So beautiful. I really managed to walk into every god damn donkey there is on Stars. Even third pair was good enough to call me down on straight and flush heavy boards with overcards galore…didn’t matter. At least I managed to lose only some chips to get the valuable information that my opponents wouldn’t fold ANY pair. Good stuff, unless you get so card dead that you miss the flop 17 times in a row. So beautiful. After that I managed to push A9 into AJ, AT into AQ, AQ into AK…all headsup…pretty hawesome. All in all I managed to pull out one W in four matches.
After that I jumped over to Full Tilt and played some Razz and NL headsup. Managed to win both although it seemed that I wouldn’t. In the Razz one it was brutal. Start with the best hand, brick out. Start with the best hand, brick out. So I had him down to 300 three times before I was finally able to bust him. So sick. Oh well…at least I did win in the end…still makes me want to puke, it’s just ridiculous…
Quick roundup
Friday July 13th 2007, 2:51 am
Filed under:
Casual Play,
Heads Up,
No-Limit Hold'em,
Omaha H/L,
Pot Limit,
I took a little break from my usual headsup routine yesterday. I decided to hit up some of favourite tilting games, namely Razz and PLO8. I pretty much annihilated my opponents in Razz and got some favourable hands and flops in PLO8. One guy killed me in Razz though, it was unreal. I won 80% of the pots, but every time a really big pot came down he got lucky on me. Sometimes you tend to exaggerate in such situation, but no, he won every single big pot starting with a worst hand catching at least peferct-perfect (once even perfect-perfect-perfect) to beat my made hands. Really frustrating, but that’s part of the game and at least I could yell my good ol’ Razz/Stud mantra in the chat: Brick brick brick really makes me sick.
Today I mixed play up a little. I played four headsup matches, won two of em. Then I played a six-handed SnG and finished in second. The crucial hand came down still four handed: I was the big stack and there were three smaller stacks (one under 1k, one with 1.4k and one with 2.2k). I get T8 in the SB and complete as it’s folded to me. BB (2.2k) checks. Flop comes down 2-8-8 with two hearts. I check…he bets. Hmm…flush draw? Hmm…I call. Turn brings the Ks. I check again…error #1…I should lead out here…but he doesn’t take the free card, so it didn’t cost me for the moment. I raise him. He calls. Now I’m a little bit confused although I think he has a king for sure, probably the Kh. River…Ah….so fugly…if my initial feeling was right he’s got there. I lead out with a defensive bet…he raises all-in, which is only 400 more to me… into a 4k pot…well…I’ll have to pay you off sir…and indeed he has Kh9h…fugly but I don’t see how the money isn’t going in…although he might have folded on the flop if I push…but where’s the value in that…my foe in that hand busts the other two players within the next ten hands and we’re headsup…1.7k to 7.3k…not much I can do with blinds of 200/400 ante 50…so I push with the second hand and don’t catch…I’m busto…
After that I decided that I had enough of NL Hold’em for the night and had a look at the upcoming MTTs. It’s been a while since I played one (non blogger events) and there was a 360max PLO8 tourney about to start…let’s get ready to rumble. I catch some good hands early on and more than double up…then I go on a dry spell. Still above average I get quartered in a pretty fugly hand (river counterfeits my nut-low) and I’m below average for the first ime. About twenty hands later I commit to a hand that I shouldn’t have…AA48 double s00ted…a lot of limpers in the pot…I’m in the SB and raise the pot…one caller in LP…he got me covered and calls my flop pot-bet…the flop is pretty harmless looking…but what do you know…J94…turn brings a small rag…I go all-in…he insta-calls with the monster AJ4x….river J and I’m bustom 137th if 262. Oh well…I’m outta here…
Going nowhere swing
It’s not an upswing, but it isn’t a real downswing either, it’s more or less a going nowhere swing. Win one lose one, win one lose one…rinse repeat…
That pretty much sums up my headsup experience these days, I just can’t get a streak going, once I win a match there’s the next cooler waiting in the next match, really frustrating.
If I would be in that zone in the shorthanded SnGs I would be satisfied these days, but I ain’t. I’m the bubble boy too often. It’s just that everytime the bubble comes around, no matter if I’m short, medium or big stacked, it’s just that I run into spots that see me lose it, somehow and if it’s by a fugly river card…today was no exception…just as the blinds are about to jump to 300/600 ante 50…this hand comes down…

What am I supposed to do there? Reraise preflop – I put him on a steal, which means ATC…but I think I’m 60/40…I still like to flat call and see what evolves. What evolves is that I flop two pair and he was s00ted…sure enough the river brings his friggin diamond ball and I’m pretty much crippled…I get it in with two live cards in the next hand and can’t catch anything…and I’m busto bubble-lo….so fugly…
I found one new soft spot on PokerStars though…played some headsup Razz…I mean, Razz is the ultimate tilter, but it’s not really if you play against people who capped it while being board-locked….oh well…can’t fault him if he really thought he was playing Stud….lol…I’ll keep hitting that soft spot for a while now I guess….
180 degrees
That’s the angle my cards made in contrast to yesterday. No chance in hell…5 Card Draw…thank you for making the second best hand at crucial times (incidently it was always a 1-card vs 1-card draw, I hold two pair, my opponent holds a flush or gutshot draw, guess who’s draw get’s there). Same goes for Razz and NL in a token satellite.
Last hope: WWdN…no joy…get Aces early…win small pot…then invest invest invest…no joy…Once I’m down to half my starting stack I bluff off half my remaining stack on a busted nut flush draw…and the rest is history…out in 29th of 44…oh well, at least I had a good time with V and the others at the table…